Wessex Adult Cystic Fibrosis Community Services Consultation

Closed 31 Mar 2017

Opened 2 Mar 2017


NHS England has been working with its partners, led by senior clinicians, in developing detailed proposals to enable us to continue to provide the best possible care for cystic fibrosis patients living across Wessex. This includes developing a home and community service in  order to reduce the need for admission and  the patient's length of stay which in turn helps hospital capacity and provides a better quality of life.

The most recent Cystic Fibrosis Trust peer review, which supports and facilitates improvements in the delivery of such care, identified a number of areas requiring improvement and showed the current model does not meet all the national service specification requirements.

We at NHS England have launched a consultation on Wessex Adult Cystic Fibrosis Community Services together with the Cystic Fibrosis Trust,  University Hospital Southampton and Poole Hospital, to enable us to engage with patients, service users, carers and the public to help address these issues and implement a sustainable recommendation for adult cystic fibrosis services in the region.


  • Patients


  • Specialised commissioning