Featured: NHS Commercial Framework for New Medicines – consultation phase 1
NHS England has published a consultation document which sets out proposals for updating the NHS Commercial Framework for New Medicines . The proposals include: indication-specific pricing arrangements and the circumstances in which they will be considered a reflection of the...
Closed 25 September 2024
Featured: Budget Impact Test threshold consultation
NHS England and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published a consultation document which sets out the proposal to increase the Budget Impact Test threshold from £20 million to £40 million. We would like to hear from anyone with an interest in the subject of...
Closed 25 September 2024
Open Consultations
NHS Standard Contract 2025/26: A consultation
This consultation asks for views from stakeholders on changes which NHS England proposes to make to the NHS Standard Contract for 2025/26. The NHS Standard Contract is published by NHS England...
2025/26 NHS Payment Scheme consultation
Thank you for taking the time to consider NHS England’s proposals for the 2025/26 NHS Payment Scheme. This survey allows you to say whether you accept or reject the proposed Payment Scheme ...
Hybrid Theatre Survey
We would like to support vascular units that are struggling to replace failing hybrid operating theatres or who have yet to persuade their organisation to finance the development of a hybrid...
GIRFT Breast Surgery Revisit Questionnaire
NHS England's Getting It Right First Time (NHSE GIRFT) programme aims to gather insights into the Breast Surgery service and its implementation across each Cancer Alliance network in preparation for...
How can NHSE support the digital clinical safety community?
These questions aim to gather comprehensive feedback from CSOs and non clinicians working in digital clinical safety. This will allow the NHSE national digital clinical safety teams to tailor...
Closed Consultations
GIRFT Virtual Wards Pre-visit Questionnaire
NHSE GIRFT and the national Virtual Ward's team are working together to deliver data-driven and clinically-led reviews of virtual ward services. The reviews will: Use data and insights to understand the context of your virtual ward, how care is delivered, and how your virtual ward...
Closed 31 January 2025
Pilot: GIRFT Diabetes Footcare Vascular Services Survey
The aim of centralisation of vascular services is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients with aortic aneurysms, carotid artery disease and peripheral arterial disease. This survey of lead clinicians in diabetic foot disease...
Closed 27 January 2025
GIRFT Ophthalmology Annual Questionnaire 2024/25
Dear All This annual questionnaire is for the GIRFT Ophthalmology data metrics collection. The collection is for the period 2024/25. Responses are due back by 3rd January 2025. There should be one submission per service The data from your submission will be benchmarked and uploaded...
Closed 17 January 2025
GIRFT Ophthalmology Metrics Q2 2024/25 Data
Dear All This questionnaire is for the GIRFT Ophthalmology data metrics collection. The collection is for the period Q2 2024/25. Responses are due back by 3rd January 2025. There should be one submission per service. The data from your submission will be benchmarked and uploaded to...
Closed 17 January 2025
Diagnostic Imaging Data Set v2.0 Public Consultation
Diagnostic Imaging Data Set The Diagnostic Imaging Data Set (DIDS) is a central collection of detailed information about diagnostic (and other) imaging tests carried out on NHS patients, to be extracted and submitted monthly. The data set captures information about...
Closed 7 January 2025