Accessible information - Your views (voluntary organisations / patient groups)
Making health and social care information accessible
Views of support and supplier organisations and patient groups
NHS England has begun a programme of work aimed at ensuring that disabled patients, service users and, where appropriate, carers, receive information in formats that they can understand, and that they receive appropriate support to enable them to communicate. This will particularly affect people who are d/Deaf, blind, deafblind, have some hearing or visual loss, or have a learning disability, as well as carers.
We want to ensure that this work is shaped by individuals and organisations that have an interest in it, and have designed a short series of questions specifically to capture the views and experiences of support and supplier organisations, including voluntary organisations, patient groups, local healthwatch, communications professionals and suppliers of accessible information. We would very much appreciate your input.
Please note that there are different surveys aimed at different groups, and different ways for people to get involved. More information can be found at
- GPs
- Nurses
- Health visitors
- Clinicians
- Managers
- Commissioners
- Directors of public health
- Pharmacists
- Doctors
- Midwives
- Health care assistants
- Healthcare scientists
- Paramedics
- Dentists
- Art therapists
- Drama therapists
- Music therapists
- Chiropodists/podiatrists
- Dietitians
- Occupation therapists
- Orthotists
- Orthopists
- Prosthesists
- Physiotherapists
- Diagnostic radiographers
- Therapeutic radiographers
- Speech and language therapists
- Childcare providers
- Allied health professionals
- Care-givers
- Ophthalmic practitioners
- Responsible officers
- Clinical psychologists
- Paediatric neuropsychologists
- Foundation trusts
- Mental health trusts
- Community healthcare trusts
- Tribunal service
- Strategic clinical networks (SCNs)
- Care Quality Commission
- Health Education England
- Health Protection Agency
- Local Government Association
- Monitor
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- Health and Wellbeing boards
- Healthwatch (national and local)
- Health and Social Care Information Centre
- NHS Trust Development Authority
- National directors
- Regional directors
- Area Team directors
- All NHS England Staff
- Voluntary groups
- Community groups
- Charities
- Advocacy or support organisations
- DH third sector strategic partners
- Regulatory bodies
- Academic/professional institutions
- Employer representatives
- Employee representatives
- Trade unions
- Deaneries
- Higher education institutions
- Royal Colleges
- Service providers
- Local authorities
- Social care providers
- Patients
- Carers
- Service users
- Retailers
- Suppliers
- Information providers
- Information professionals
- Informatics professionals
- NHS England
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