NHS Pharmacy Services Survey for St Mawes

Closed 27 Feb 2015

Opened 9 Feb 2015


National changes to pharmacy contracts are on the way.

As of 31 March 2015, the Essential Small Pharmacies (ESP) scheme, which helps support pharmacies in outlying communities, will come to an end.

In order for us to understand the pharmacy needs of the population of St Mawes, we are actively seeking your views about the current service and how this might be improved.

Why your views matter

NHS England is looking at the creation of a new, local contract for pharmacy services in St Mawes. This would replace the old contract.

This survey will help us understand more about the current service, its accessibility and how you use it. It will also tell us how it might be developed in the future.

The results will be used to shape the new contract, so the more people who complete it, the better.

What happens next

Your views will help to shape NHS England's commissioning plans for future  pharmacy services.


  • Voluntary groups
  • Community groups
  • Patients


  • Patient and public voice