Referral pathway for specialist service for children and young people with gender incongruence
Correction to consultation survey questions, 13 February, 2024
Respondents have helpfully pointed out that, due to an administrative error, the online survey for this consultation contained a duplicate question and omitted one of the questions we had intended to ask.
The omitted question was: “To what extent do you agree with the proposal that young people who reach 17 years of age while on the waiting list for the children and young people’s gender incongruence service will be removed from the waiting list; they may seek a referral into the adult gender service with their original referral date into the CYP service honoured?”
This question was included in the published consultation guide, but accidentally omitted from the online survey.
The survey was corrected on 13 February, 2024, so if you responded after that date, no further action is needed.
If you submitted a response before that date and would like to share your views on this question, please email the team directly at
The consultation was previously due to run from 7 December – 6 March, but in order to give those who have already submitted a response a chance to share their views on this question, we’ve taken the decision to extend the consultation by two weeks, so the revised deadline will be 20 March 2024.
NHS England is seeking views on a service specification that describes the process for making referrals into the Children and Young People's Gender Service and the process for managing the national waiting list.
This public consultation will run for 90 days from 7 December 2023 to 20 March 2024 (revised closing date) .
At the end of the consultation period, all feedback will be considered before the consultation report and service specification are published.
We recommend that you read this consultation guide alongside the other documents published as part of the consultation.
Supporting documentation
- Service specification on the referral pathway for specialist service for children and young people with gender incongruence
- Engagement report
- Equality and health inequalities impact assessment
If you require the above documents in an alternative format please contact:
- All interested stakeholders
- Specialised commissioning
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