Specialised Services - Policy and Specification Consultation March 2015
NHS England has today (24 March 2015) launched a 30 day public consultation on a proposed number of new products for specialised services, (including service specifications and clinical commissioning policies). There has already been extensive engagement on these national specifications and policies, as they have been developed with the support and input of lead clinicians and patient and public representatives. This approach has helped ensure that the views of key stakeholders have informed and influenced the development of the policies and specifications so far.
We now wish to test them further with wider groups of stakeholders.
We are consulting on the following documents:
Service specifications (split by National Programme of Care)
Internal Medicine
- Haemodialysis providers only delivering dialysis away from base Service Specification
- Complex specialised obesity Service Specification
Mental Health
Clinical commissioning policies (split by National Programme of Care)
Internal Medicine
- Pulmonary hypertension revision of current policy for targeted therapies to add riociguat for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension patients Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Complex specialised obesity surgery Clinical Commissioning Policy
Blood and Infection
- Stribild for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Use of cobicistat as a booster in treatment of HIV positive adults and adolescents Clinical Commissioning Policy
- The use of rituximab as a second line agent for the eradication of inhibitors in patients with acquired haemophilia Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Treatment as prevention (TasP) in HIV infected adults Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Bedaquiline and delamanid for defined patients with MDR-XDR- TB Clinical Commissioning Policy
- PET-CT guidelines (all ages) Clinical Commissioning Policy Statement
- Proton Beam Radiotherapy (adults, teenage and young adult, paediatrics) cancer treatment Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Proton Beam Radiotherapy - Adults cancer treatment Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Proton Beam Radiotherapy - Paediatrics cancer treatment Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Robotic-assisted surgical procedures for prostate cancer Clinical Commissioning Policy
Mental Health
- Cervical disc replacement for cervical radiculomyelopathy Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Duopoda for parkinsons disease Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Microprocessor controlled prosthesis knees Clinical Commissioning Policy
- High definition silicone Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Provision of multi-grip upper limb prosthesis Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Hand transplantation Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Deep brain stimulation for refractory epilepsy Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Uveitis (adults) Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Uveitis (paediatrics) Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Intrathecal pumps for the treatment of cancer pain Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Intrathecal pumps for the treatment of non malignant pain Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Deep brain stimulation for chronic pain clinical commissioning policy
- Occipital nerve stimulator for cluster headaches and chronic migraine Clinical Commissioning Policy
Women and Children
- Rituximab for the treatment of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) in paediatrics Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Rituximab for treatment of relapsing steroid sensitive nephrotic (SSNS) in paediatrics Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations (breast cancer) Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Sapropterin for children Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Elosulfase - vimizin for mucopolysaccharidosis IVA Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Viz ataluren for ducheene muscular dystrophy Clinical Commissioning Policy
- Sacral nerve stimulation for urinary incontinence Clinical Commissioning Policy
Other commissioning products (split by National Programme of Care)
Women and Children
- UK Genetic Testing Network (UKGTN) new test recommendations – (please note: The attached report recommends a new set of genetic tests for rare inherited conditions and these are listed in attachment one. Attachment two provides information about the costs and savings that each of the tests would bring)
- UKGTN CPAG Cover Paper
- UKGTN CPAG Attachment 1 - Descriptions and Clinical Utility
- UKGTN CPAG Attachment 2 - Evaluations costs and savings by CRG
Who we are consulting with:
This consultation is open to anyone who may wish to respond. However, it is anticipated that the target audience will be those likely to be affected by these proposed changes.
If you require any of these documents in an alternative format, please get in touch on the contact details listed.
- GPs
- Nurses
- Health visitors
- Clinicians
- Managers
- Commissioners
- Directors of public health
- Pharmacists
- Doctors
- Midwives
- Health care assistants
- Healthcare scientists
- Paramedics
- Dentists
- Art therapists
- Drama therapists
- Music therapists
- Chiropodists/podiatrists
- Dietitians
- Occupation therapists
- Orthotists
- Orthopists
- Prosthesists
- Physiotherapists
- Diagnostic radiographers
- Therapeutic radiographers
- Speech and language therapists
- Childcare providers
- Allied health professionals
- Care-givers
- Ophthalmic practitioners
- Responsible officers
- Clinical psychologists
- Paediatric neuropsychologists
- GP Practices
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Foundation trusts
- Mental health trusts
- Community healthcare trusts
- Tribunal service
- Strategic clinical networks (SCNs)
- GP Practices
- Care Quality Commission
- Health Education England
- Health Protection Agency
- Local Government Association
- Monitor
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- Health and Wellbeing boards
- Healthwatch (national and local)
- Health and Social Care Information Centre
- NHS Trust Development Authority
- National directors
- Regional directors
- All NHS England Staff
- Voluntary groups
- Community groups
- Charities
- Advocacy or support organisations
- DH third sector strategic partners
- Regulatory bodies
- Academic/professional institutions
- Employer representatives
- Employee representatives
- Trade unions
- Deaneries
- Higher education institutions
- Royal Colleges
- Service providers
- Local authorities
- Social care providers
- Patients
- Carers
- Service users
- Retailers
- Suppliers
- Information providers
- Information professionals
- Informatics professionals
- Specialised commissioning
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