GIRFT Head and Neck Cancer Pre-visit questionnaire (Spokes)

Closes 31 Oct 2024

Opened 12 Jul 2023


NHS England Getting It Right First Time (NHSE GIRFT) would like to gain a number of insights into the Head and Neck Cancer service and its delivery within each MDT including its referral sites ahead of a Deep Dive. 

The questionnaire has been compiled around a number of key themes which includes diagnosis and follow up, surgery, radiotherapy and MDT. 

The MDT Hub is the Trust which takes responsibility for the MDT at which definitive treatment plans are formulated. The hub Trust may not deliver all aspects of treatment but the individual completing this questionnaire at the hub will need to answer all the questions which cover the MDT process and treatment including surgery and radiotherapy (even if in different Trusts).

Our understanding of your MDT is based on the MDT mapping questionnaire returned to us by all host MDTs. 

A separate questionnaire dealing with diagnostic and follow up services will be sent to “spoke sites”. These are all trusts/hospitals that diagnose patients with Head and Neck Cancer and refer them to an MDT Hub.  When spoke sites also deliver part of the MDT treatment service (e.g. as a second surgical site and/or radiotherapy site), the questions around treatment will be completed and submitted by the MDT Hub Trust.

Ahead of completing this questionnaire it may be helpful for the person who is doing this to review the questions and assemble the relevant data. Completion of the questionnaire should then only take 5 to 10 minutes. A PDF version of the questionnaire is attached to enable you to undertake this review.

Should you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact Caroline Ager Thank you in advance. 

Give us your views


  • Nurses
  • Clinicians
  • Managers
  • Dental surgeons
  • Oncologists
  • Foundation trusts
  • NHS trusts


  • Getting it right first time (GIRFT)
  • Cancer