Commissioning and service transformation workshop registration
Are you interested in outcome based commissioning and service transformation? Do you want support in making better commissioning decisions for your CCG?
NHS England Commissioning Development Directorate (in collaboration with Rightcare, COBIC, ICHOM and London School of Economics) will deliver a number of workshops at the Commissioning Show 25 June 2014 at the Excel, London. Workshops will include:-
- NHS Rightcare, Delivering high value pathways
- Transformation – the ‘Art of Possible’
- Alternative Means of Funding Transformation
- Commissioning Support – Make, Share, Buy Masterclass
- Outcome Based Commissioning in the NHS
To learn more and register your interest, please follow the link below.
For any other enquiries please contact Hannah Comer, Commissioning Support Strategy and Market Development, NHS England. (
In addition to the workshops, join our National Director of Commissioning Development Ros Roughton, and Directors of Commissioning Support Strategy & Transition Bob Ricketts and Andrew Kenworthy for their sessions on the key challenges and opportunities for CCGs in Year 2.
For more information the full conference programme visit:
NHS England Commissioning Development workshops at Commissioning Show
Location: NHS England Workshop Room, Excel, London
Date: 25th June 2014
- 10am – 11am - NHS Rightcare - Delivering high value pathways:
The journey from normal to optimal. Exploring a typical patient's experience of a standard long-term conditions pathway and its impact on outcomes and cost for the patient, commissioner and wider society. The session will illustrate how Commissioning for Value principles and the NHS Right Care approach can support health economies to optimise the same pathway for patients in the future.
Public Health specialist Dr Peter Brambleby and Prof Matthew Cripps NHS Rightcare National Programme Director.
- 11am – 12pm - NHS Right Care - Transformation and the art of the possible.
Bob Ricketts introduces Professors Matthew Cripps and Gwyn Bevan who will demonstrate how the Commissioning for Value programme, the NHS Right Care approach and STAR tool can support system-wide transformation in local health economies. This will include a demonstration of STAR and also of how local Business Intelligence systems use can be enhanced to support live pathway, system and implementation management.
Matthew Cripps, Clodagh Warde, Prof Gwyn Bevan (London School of Economics) and NE CSU.
- 12pm – 12:45pm - Alternative means of funding Transformation:
The development of transformed services will require investment that stimulates innovation and rigorous delivery and the rapid scaling of better practices. Commissioners therefore need to consider how contracting structures and strategic partnerships with providers can stimulate such approaches, and the full range of investment that may be available, including from the NHS, traditional commercial sources and new pools of 'social investment'.
Drawing on Social Finance's practical experience of developing a number of new partnerships between commissioners, investors and providers to improve out-of-hospital care, this workshop will provide commissioners with an introduction to how to stimulate the effective investment in transformation.
Ben Jupp is a Director at Social Finance, and leads their health and social care practice. He was previously Director of Public Services Strategy and Innovation in civil service and is a senior visiting fellow at the Nuffield Trust.
- 1pm – 2pm - Make, Share, Buy Masterclass:
NHS England will deliver a Make, Share, Buy (MSB) Masterclass. The session will deliver a whistle-stop tour of MSB in action including why the MSB exercise and decision is important, CCG case studies, benefits and concerns of each type of decision,and tools that CCGs might use to support the decision making process.
Bob Ricketts, Director for Commissioning Support Services and Market Development at NHS England and Neil Mackenzie, Partner and Public Sector lead at Atos Consulting.
- 2pm – 4pm - Outcome Measurement in the NHS:
A workshop to learn about:
1. Developing and implementing outcomes-based contracts
2. Developing outcome measurement programmes in provider organisations.
We bring together four organisations to talk to you:
1. Representatives from NHS England and the NHS Commissioning Assembly.
2. ICHOM ( – develops Standard Sets of outcomes, cofounded by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Harvard Business School (HBS), and the Karolinska Institutet (KI).
3. COBIC ( – UK based organisation that works with commissioners to develop outcome-based contracts and providers to deliver them.
4. Better Value Healthcare (BHVC) ( – works internationally with healthcare organisations, including CCGs, to design and deliver population-based and personalized health and care systems.
An informative session on outcome based commissioning, with the opportunity to interact with commissioning peers.
A workshop delivered by NHS England CCG Development in collaboration with COBIC, the International Consortium of Health Outcomes and Better Value Healthcare. (including speakers Thomas Kelley MD MBA (ICHOM), Diane Bell MD (COBIC), and Anant Jani PhD)
- GPs
- Nurses
- Health visitors
- Clinicians
- Managers
- Commissioners
- Directors of public health
- Pharmacists
- Doctors
- Midwives
- Health care assistants
- Healthcare scientists
- Paramedics
- Dentists
- Art therapists
- Drama therapists
- Music therapists
- Chiropodists/podiatrists
- Dietitians
- Occupation therapists
- Orthotists
- Orthopists
- Prosthesists
- Physiotherapists
- Diagnostic radiographers
- Therapeutic radiographers
- Speech and language therapists
- Childcare providers
- Allied health professionals
- Care-givers
- Ophthalmic practitioners
- Responsible officers
- Clinical psychologists
- Paediatric neuropsychologists
- Foundation trusts
- Mental health trusts
- Community healthcare trusts
- Tribunal service
- Strategic clinical networks (SCNs)
- Care Quality Commission
- Health Education England
- Health Protection Agency
- Local Government Association
- Monitor
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- Health and Wellbeing boards
- Healthwatch (national and local)
- Health and Social Care Information Centre
- NHS Trust Development Authority
- National directors
- Regional directors
- Area Team directors
- All NHS England Staff
- Voluntary groups
- Community groups
- Charities
- Advocacy or support organisations
- DH third sector strategic partners
- Regulatory bodies
- Academic/professional institutions
- Employer representatives
- Employee representatives
- Trade unions
- Deaneries
- Higher education institutions
- Royal Colleges
- Service providers
- Local authorities
- Social care providers
- Patients
- Carers
- Service users
- Retailers
- Suppliers
- Information providers
- Information professionals
- Informatics professionals
- Commissioning
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