Modernising Radiotherapy Services in England - developing proposals for future service models

Closed 23 Dec 2016

Opened 28 Oct 2016


NHS England has published proposals for modernising radiotherapy services, to ensure that high quality, safe and effective services are accessible across the country, regardless of where patients live.

The proposals, which have been developed by an expert group of clinicians, commissioners, and patient representatives, focus on the development of networks of non-surgical clinical oncology services.

A networked approach to service delivery means that only those patients with more rare and/or complex conditions would require treatment at specialist centres.

The vast majority of radiotherapy would be delivered in hospitals closer to patient’s homes.

NHS England is holding a webinar (details of this webinar can be found on the NHS England website) and four public engagement events to support the development of these proposals in Birmingham, Leeds, Reading and London.

  • Birmingham (now ended)
  • Leeds  (now ended)
  • Reading  (now ended)
  • London


Why your views matter

NHS England is committed to developing its service specifications in an open and transparent way, ensuring that the specifications developed by NHS England are informed by as wide a range of views as possible at an early stage. This is an informal discussion and engagement period, during which we would like to hear from anybody with an interest in radiotherapy services. In particular those that use or work in the service, and who are potentially affected by the proposals.

This will enable NHS England, in partnership with patients, clinicians and other key stakeholders, to develop a revised service specification ready for public consultation early in 2017.

Your views, during this period, will help to inform the content of any revised service specification for radiotherapy. We will formally consult on this revised specification in the New Year.

The engagement report provides a summary of the key themes identified through the stakeholder engagement phase in 2016 and identifies how responses have shaped the service specification.


  • Clinicians
  • Radiologists
  • Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs)
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
  • All NHS England Staff
  • Patient groups
  • Service providers
  • Patients and the public
  • Carers
  • Service users


  • Specialised commissioning