Improving Black, Asian and minority ethnic community experiences of mental health services - Feedback questionnaire

Closed 30 Oct 2021

Opened 7 Apr 2021


NHS England and NHS Improvement’s national Mental Health Team are working in partnership with your local mental health trust and are inviting patients, carers, staff and communities to participate in a feedback questionnaire about your experiences in NHS mental health services for Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

The aim of the feedback questionnaire is:

  • To better understand the challenges and differential treatment experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients, carers, and communities experiences in mental health services which contribute to poor outcomes. 
  • To hear what Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients, carers, communities and NHS staff views are on what staff skills and support are needed to help improve experiences of mental health services.
  • To learn what Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients, carers, communities and NHS staff think positive practice does, could or should look like in mental health services, with the aim of improving Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients, carers and communities experiences.

The feedback questionnaire should take about 15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers, so please respond to the questions that best describe your experience and views. Please answer the best you can and feel free to ask a carer or guardian for assistance if you need it. We encourage you to answer all of the questions so that we can best understand your experiences. 

Why are we asking for your views?

The results of the feedback questionnaire will be used to inform the development of a national organisational competency framework tool for NHS Mental Health Trusts, referred as the ‘Patient and Carers Race Equality Framework’ (PCREF) as recommended by the Mental Health Act Review. The PCREF will be a practical tool which helps organisations understand what steps it needs to take to improve in Black, Asian and minority ethnic experiences of care in mental health settings. 

The NHS has a core role to play in addressing health inequalities, as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. The pandemic has shone a light on some of the underlying disparities faced across the country. COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted those who are older, those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups and those living in more deprived areas, many of whom experienced inequalities before the pandemic. 

Your feedback will help develop the PCREF and thus help shape future mental health services which are designed and tailored to be accessible, safe and culturally responsive for their local communities. 

Feedback questionnaire instructions

This information will help you answer the Improving Black, Asian and minority ethnic community experiences of mental health services feedback questionnaire.

The feedback questionnaire is divided into 2 parts: 

  1. The first part asks about your views and experiences in mental health services and is seeking to understand what groups are completing the questionnaire for example you may be a patient, carer, or an NHS staff member. This section requires you to respond in your own words about your experiences in a text box. There is no limitation to how many words you wish to use nor is there any right or wrong answers.
  2. The second part seeks to understand what your protected characteristics are. For example, please indicate which age bracket you identify yourself as, i.e. 25-35. This section will provide you with option boxes for you to indicate or with a yes and no box for you to indicate. Please refer to the example below. This information will help us make sure we’re hearing from all communities.

Example 1. Please indicate which age bracket you identify yourself as?

Example question

To answer the questions that apply to you, please ‘click’ your computer mouse next to your answer choice. 

Be sure to read all the answer choices before marking your answer that best describes your experiences. 

Taking part in the feedback questionnaire is voluntary and, whether you participate or not, it will not impact care for you or your relatives in any way. 

Definitions/terminology explained below

  • Culturally responsive: Care which takes into account your distinct cultural identity, beliefs and values.
  • Ethnic minority and or religious minorities: An ethnic minority is a group of people who differ in racial, national, religious, or cultural origin.
  • NHS skills: This describes the skills of NHS staff and how treatment of care is delivered that helps to improve the outcomes and experiences of patients and carers.
  • NHS behaviours: This describes NHS staff behaviours and how they involve patients and carers in order to improve outcomes and experiences in a meaningful way 
  • Organisational competencies:This describes what skills and practices mental health services need to focus on to improve the way they deliver and offer services. 
  • Protected Characteristics: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation are all protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. 
  • Racialised experiences: Where people are treated differently, for example because of their racial identity .


To help protect your confidentiality, we will only request for your email address should you wish to receive a copy of your responses, this option is available for participants who may wish to come back to their responses before you submit your feedback questionnaire or for those who wish to have a copy of your responses, an email address will be required. We will process your data in accordance with the General Data Protected Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. Participation will not impact care for self and or your relatives in anyway.


  • Patients
  • Carers


  • Equality and diversity
  • Reducing health inequalities