Raising concerns and making complaints about health, social care or education
Please take part in our survey which is for children, young people and adults with a learning disability, autism or both, their families and paid carers.
We are carrying out this survey to add to what have we learned at events and meetings about people’s experiences of raising concerns and making complaints.
Your feedback will help with a new project about raising concerns and making complaints called Ask Listen Do.
We need your help so we can do the right things to make a difference.
The survey ends on 31 January 2018.
An easy read version of this survey is available to download here.
What do we mean by raising a concern or making a complaint?
It is not always easy to know when something is a concern and when something is a complaint.
A concern is something you are worried about, or nervous about, which can be resolved at the time the concern is raised.
Whereas a complaint is a statement about something that is wrong or that you are dissatisfied with which requires a formal response.
You could be concerned about something and raise it, and if it’s not dealt with satisfactorily you may then make a complaint about that concern.
- Carers
- Service users
- Patient and public voice
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