Commissioning for Value Support Offer

Closed 23 Apr 2014

Opened 28 Mar 2014


Towards the end of 2013 NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Right Care provided every CCG with a comprehensive data pack to support effective ‘commissioning for value’.

The packs were one part of a comprehensive Commissioning for Value support offer for CCGs and an integral part of the strategic planning approach. They formed part of the package of help put in place to support commissioners.and aimed to show them ‘where to look’ as a first stage to identify real opportunities to improve outcomes and increase value for local populations.

The localised information was intended to support discussions about prioritising areas for change, utilising resources and helping local leaders make improvements in healthcare quality, outcomes and efficiency.

The programme will continue during 2014/15 and to ensure we are providing the most appropriate help for the commissioning system we are now looking for some feedback from CCGs about the Commissioning for Value packs, how they were used and whether the wider support offer was of value.

Please help us by taking 15 minutes to answer the short questionnaire below by Thursday 17 April. Any published findings will not include attributable responses.



  • Commissioning