Gender Identity Services for Adults
NHS England's consultation on 'specialised gender identity services for adults (17 and above) has now closed. Through consultation we sought people's views on two proposed service specifications: one for how Gender Identity Clinics will deliver specialised outpatient services; and another for how surgical units will deliver surgical interventions. There was a good level of interest in the consultation, so thank you to everyone who took part either in writing or by attending one of our events. - you can read the analysis of responses.
The report on the outcome of the consultation has now been published. You can read the consultation report and the service specifications:
- Gender Identity Services for Adults (Surgical Interventions)
- Gender Identity Services for Adults (Non-Surgical Interventions)
If you would like to stay informed about NHS England's work on gender identity service, you can register as a stakeholder of the Gender Identity Clinical Reference Group.
- Royal Colleges
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- Patients and the public
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- Patients
- Carers
- Service users
- Patient and public voice
- Equality and diversity
- Reducing health inequalities
- Specialised commissioning
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