PET-CT, or positron emission tomography-computerised tomography, is used to produce detailed three-dimensional images of the inside of the body. An advantage of a PET-CT scan is that it can show how well certain parts of your body are working, rather than just showing what it looks like. PET-CT is particularly helpful for investigating confirmed cases of cancer, but is used in other conditions as well.
In 2014, NHS England carried out a procurement process for around 50% of PET-CT activity, known as PET-CT phase 1. The National PET-CT contract replaced two contracts, PET-CT North and South, which were running out. NHS England now intends to carry out a phase 2 procurement process for PET-CT activity not included in phase 1.
The aim is to procure services that improve patient experience and access to care, achieve the best clinical outcomes for patients, ensure an equitable service across the country and that all providers work to a consistent service specification, ensure adequate PET-CT provision in the future and provide best value for money.
The proposed process will seek bids from providers to deliver services in 9 different lots that are geographically defined – though it is possible for there to be multiple PET-CT sites within each lot. In addition, the proposal includes a maximum single price for scans, and a limit on the number of lots any one bidder can be awarded to maintain plurality of supply.
This does mean that the location of PET-CT services could potentially change from where they are currently provided. However, until the procurement process is more advanced, we will not have sight of proposed solutions, and therefore any proposed changes to service location or the potential impact for patients. At that later point, any potential change in location of PET-CT services may be the subject of public consultation.
PET-CT Phase II design of procurement - engagement report
NHS England conducted a 30 day period of engagement in 2016 to test the proposed design of the Phase II procurement. Having listened to the feedback received through the engagement exercise and having undertaken significant further work on the proposed design of Phase II, NHS England is now publishing an engagement report which summarises the feedback received from the engagement process and how NHS England has listened to patients, the public and other stakeholders in the way it will carry out the procurement.
NHS England is committed to involving people in the consideration of service change proposals and is mindful of its duty in this regard. Therefore, alongside the public engagement report, there will be a number of webinars offered to members of the public and patient organisations. This will provide an opportunity to ask questions and receive further information about the Phase II procurement. These will take place ahead of the procurement commencing.
There will be two webinars for patients and public held on -
Please click on the links below to register
If you need any more information, you can email - england.npoc-cancer@nhs.net.
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