Good Practice in creating positive staff experience and compassionate workplaces: A call for contributions
NHS England, in partnership with Hope 4 the Community (CIC), is developing a guide to commissioning for positive staff experience and creating compassionate workplaces. As part of the guide we would like to showcase examples of exemplary practice.
We welcome contributions from any sector of healthcare. You don’t need to be an NHS organisation to participate: if you provide or commission NHS services you can take part. We hope to be able to share a wide variety of examples of exemplary practice from different aspects of healthcare.
Why your views matter
NHS England invites you to tell us about what you and your organisation have done to support positive staff experience and a compassionate workplace. Big or small, we want to hear about the initiatives you have undertaken to make your organisation a more compassionate workplace and to create positive staff experiences.
So, if you want a chance to shout about the wonderful work you are doing in supporting positive staff experience and compassionate workplaces, please complete the questionnaire and submit your examples.
Information about this call for contributions
Why am I being invited?
You have been invited to share instances of exemplary practice to support the creation of a compassionate workplace and positive staff experience. This will help us to generate an in-depth picture of exemplary practice to support compassionate workplaces and how this is developed, maintained, measured and reported to support positive staff experience.
What are the benefits of taking part?
Some contributors will be contacted and offered the opportunity to have their good practice example included in a new NHS England guide to commissioning and supporting positive staff experience. No contributions will be used in this way without further explicit consent from you and your organisation.
What will happen to my completed questionnaire?
We will select examples of good practice and use them as case studies to inform the development of a commissioning framework to enable the commissioning of services from compassionate healthcare organisations.
Data protection & confidentiality
Any data you give will be protected and secured confidentially by the project team. We will contact all shortlisted contributors to verify details. We will not share any information that you provide to us without you and your organisation’s express permission.
- GPs
- Nurses
- Health visitors
- Clinicians
- Managers
- Commissioners
- Directors of public health
- Pharmacists
- Doctors
- Midwives
- Health care assistants
- Healthcare scientists
- Paramedics
- Dentists
- Art therapists
- Drama therapists
- Music therapists
- Chiropodists/podiatrists
- Dietitians
- Occupation therapists
- Orthotists
- Orthopists
- Prosthesists
- Physiotherapists
- Diagnostic radiographers
- Therapeutic radiographers
- Speech and language therapists
- Childcare providers
- Allied health professionals
- Care-givers
- Ophthalmic practitioners
- Responsible officers
- Clinical psychologists
- Paediatric neuropsychologists
- GP Practices
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Practice managers
- Receptionists
- Dental surgeons
- Neonatal and maternity staff
- Oncologists
- Referrers to PET CT
- Radiologists
- General Practice Nurses
- Foundation trusts
- Mental health trusts
- Community healthcare trusts
- Tribunal service
- Strategic clinical networks (SCNs)
- GP Practices
- Primary care
- Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs)
- Care Quality Commission
- Health Education England
- Health Protection Agency
- Local Government Association
- Monitor
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- Health and Wellbeing boards
- Healthwatch (national and local)
- Health and Social Care Information Centre
- NHS Trust Development Authority
- NHS England Partnership Organisations
- Department of Health
- National directors
- Regional directors
- Area Team directors
- All NHS England Staff
- All P&I staff
- Policy leads
- Organisational Change and Programme Delivery Team
- All TCO staff
- Internal staff only
- West Midlands DCO staff
- Voluntary groups
- Community groups
- Charities
- Advocacy or support organisations
- DH third sector strategic partners
- Patient groups
- Regulatory bodies
- Academic/professional institutions
- Employer representatives
- Employee representatives
- Trade unions
- Deaneries
- Higher education institutions
- Royal Colleges
- Service providers
- All interested stakeholders
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Staff and organisations across the health system
- Patients and the public
- New Care Models
- Quality Surveillance Groups
- Independent sector nental health providers
- All NHS Staff
- Local authorities
- Social care providers
- Event attendees
- Patients
- Carers
- Service users
- Retailers
- Suppliers
- Information providers
- Information professionals
- Informatics professionals
- NHS Outcomes Framework
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