Proposals to introduce supplementary prescribing by dietitians across the United Kingdom
In recent years, the NHS has allowed a wider range of allied health professions (AHPs) to prescribe or supply and administer medicines to patients.
This is because for many patients an AHP is their lead clinician, yet they often do not have access to the appropriate prescribing or supply and administration of medicines mechanisms.
Introducing these changes makes it easier for patients to get access to the medicines that they need in a timely manner so they gain maximum benefit.
The NHS is now consulting on proposals to enable dietitians, working at an advanced level and who have undergone the appropriate training, to be able to supplementary prescribe.
The proposed changes will enable the development of new roles and new ways of working which will better utilise the skills of dietitians and therefore support the delivery of safe, effective services that are focused on the patient experience whilst also being cost effective.
NHS England is currently consulting on proposals to allow four allied health professions to be able to prescribe or supply and administer medicines, as appropriate to their patients. These are:
- Independent prescribing by radiographers
- Independent prescribing by paramedics;
- Supplementary prescribing by dietitians; and
- The use of exemptions within the Human Medicines Regulations (2012) by orthoptists.
The proposals for radiographers, paramedics, dietitians and orthoptists would require changes to be made to medicines legislation.
All four separate consultations can be found on this consultation hub website.
The following documents relate to the proposals to enable supplementary prescribing by dietitians, and which should be read before completing the consultation response form:
Consultation on proposals to introduce supplementary prescribing by dietitians across the United Kingdom – the main consultation document which sets out the proposals.
Patient and public summary of the main consultation document.
The Consultation Stage Impact Assessment - contains evidence of the actual (where available) and estimated costs and benefits of the introduction of supplementary prescribing by dietitians. The consultation is an opportunity to gather additional evidence to further inform the costs, benefits and risks.
Practice Guidance in the Safe Use of Medicines for Dietetic Supplementary Prescribers – developed by the British Dietetic Association and provides information which should underpin the decision-making and actions of dietitians who are annotated with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as supplementary prescribers.
The Draft Outline Curriculum Framework for Education Programmes to Prepare Dietitians as Supplementary Prescribers – the British Dietetic Association has worked in partnership with several other AHP professional bodies to develop a draft outline curriculum. This is aimed at education providers intending to develop education programmes, and individuals interested in education programmes for dietitians to fulfil the requirements for annotation on the HCPC register as supplementary prescribers.
A pdf version of the consultation response form.
Alternative formats
The public and patient summary consultation document can also be requested in alternative formats, such as easy read, Welsh language, large print and audio. Please contact:
The consultation remains open for 8 weeks and responses should be sent to arrive no later than 24 April 2015, after which the consultation will be closed.
Why your views matter
The proposals for radiographers, paramedics, dietitians and orthoptists would require changes to be made to medicines legislation. Therefore a public consultation for each proposal is required.
This document covers the consultation on proposals to enable dietitians, working at an advanced level and who have undergone the appropriate training, to be able to supplementary prescribe.
What happens next
Following the close of the consultation a full analysis of the responses to the consultation will be undertaken. The Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) will be asked to consider the proposals in light of comments received. CHM's advice will be conveyed to Ministers. Subject to the agreement by Ministers, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) will then make the necessary amendments to medicines legislation.
It is estimated that if all elements of the proposal are approved and all the relevant organisations in a position to complete their elements of the work at the earliest possible point without delay, the first intake of dietitians on a supplementray prescribing education programme would be in 2016.
- Allied health professionals
- Foundation trusts
- Community healthcare trusts
- Health Education England
- Healthwatch (national and local)
- Advocacy or support organisations
- Regulatory bodies
- Academic/professional institutions
- Royal Colleges
- Patients
- Carers
- Reducing health inequalities
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