Community Dental Services (CDS) GIRFT Questionnaire (Children)
We know that the CDS has grown organically in many regions and that some of the relationships and contracting arrangements are complex and have been in place for some time.
We are aware of the valuable role the CDS plays in the totality of dental provision for some of our most vulnerable patients and our aim is to understand it better so that we can learn from best practice and iron out unwarranted variation in provision for patients. This is the start of the process and your help is invaluable.
Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Liz Jones, OBE
Clinical Lead for Hospital Dentistry
Getting It Right First Time
NHS England
There are two separate questionnaires (this one is the questionnaire relating to children). The first part of the questionnaire is an overview of your CDS (this section is repeated in the special care version of the questionnaire); and the second part relates specifically to children. The questionnaire should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. Organisations that provide services over separate geographical locations will need to complete a questionnaire for each service.
The data required is for the financial year April 2022-March 2023. We hope the below information helps you to collate the data you need in order to complete this effectively to avoid relogging in.
The overview consists of questions relating to:
- Geography
- SLA/contract
- Serious incidents
- Services commissioned
- WTE for paeds and SCD colleagues
Both the children and adult questionnaires mirror each other and cover:
- The General Anaesthetic service
- GA referrals
- Host organisations
- Numbers of sessions and activity per session
- Waiting list activity (incl. lengths of wait data)
- GA activity
- Inhalation/IV sedation
- Challenges and best practice
- Clinicians
- Managers
- Commissioners
- Dental surgeons
- Integrated care system
- Patient safety
- Commissioning
- NHS England
- Getting it right first time (GIRFT)
- Children and Young People
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