Learning disability and autism advisory group
The deadline has now passed. We cannot take any more expressions of interest for this role.
New members wanted for the NHS England learning disability and autism advisory group.
We are looking for autistic people, people with a learning disability and family carers to join the group. We want people who can share their experiences of health services to improve the health system. We want to include members with links to groups and networks of people the NHS doesn’t always listen to. For example, people who have more severe learning disabilities and people from different ethnic backgrounds.
For more information e-mail engage@nhs.net or ring us on 0113 824 9686.
Please read the supporting information before filling in the form. All the information is in easy read and plain English.
- Introduction letter: about the role - easy read
- Introduction letter: about the role - plain English
- How the group work: the terms of reference - easy read
- How the group works: the terms of reference - plain English
If you need help reading this information or filling in the form please contact us on engage@nhs.net or 0113 824 9686.
The easy read documents are produced by Ace Anglia.
To tell us about yourself and why you would like to join the group you can do one of these 5 things:
1. Fill in this online expression of interest form
2. Contact us to arrange a videocall or phonecall for a member of the team to help you fill in the form engage@nhs.net or phone 0113 824 9686.
3. Download the electronic form and diversity monitoring form - fill them in and email to engage@nhs.net
- Easy read expression of interest form
- Easy read diversity monitoring form
- Plain English expression of interest form
- Plain English diversity monitoring form
5. Print out the form, fill it in and post it to -
Learning Disability and Autism Engagement Team
The Post Room, NHS England
Quarry House, Leeds
If you would us to send you a paper copy of this information and the form we will post them to you. Please contact Jess on engage@nhs.net or 0113 8249 686
6. Answer the questions in the form by making a video of yourself. Phone or email us and we will help you send the video to us.
What happens next
We will tell you by phone, email, text or letter on 25 November if you will be invited to join the group at this time.
- All interested stakeholders
- Learning disability and autism
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