504 results
Chief Nursing Officer’s Conference 2012
The Chief Nursing Officer’s (CNO) Conference 2012 took place in Manchester on 4 and 5 December 2012. We hope you enjoyed it. Your feedback is vitally important to help us develop future conferences and activities related to the vision and strategy, Compassion in Practice, the 6Cs and Caremakers. Please take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire. MoreClosed 11 January 2013 -
Specialised services commissioning: area B cancer and blood
As Chair of the Cancer and Blood Programme of Care (PoC), I have oversight across all the Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs) within the programme to ensure linkages are maintained where appropriate and to enable consistency in the approach to development of the commissioning products. The CRGs are made up of voluntary clinical, public health and commissioning staff with representation from key patients and public stakeholders. Together the members have reviewed the national definition of... MoreClosed 25 January 2013 -
Specialised services commissioning: area D trauma
The Trauma Programme of Care has brought together representatives from a range of backgrounds including clinicians, patients and carers and public health experts. Bringing together this multiplicity of views and perspectives has, we hope, helped us to develop policies and service specifications that really meet the needs and priorities of those who access them. Working with lay members of the group and expert colleagues to create, within relatively tight deadlines, products that we are... MoreClosed 25 January 2013 -
Specialised services commissioning: area A internal medicine
As Chair of the Internal Medicine Programme of Care (PoC) I have had the privilege of working with a number of extremely able and experienced colleagues from a wide range of disciplines and feeding their views into the Specialised Commissioning Clinical Assurance Group (CRG). As with the other PoCs, some of the CRGs represent disciplines that are well established within existing specialised commissioning frameworks, while others - such as my HepatoPancreaticoBiliary(HPB) CRG - have come... MoreClosed 25 January 2013 -
Specialised services commissioning: area C mental health
As the Chair of the Programme of Care for Secure and Specialised Mental Health, I oversee the Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs) for a diverse range of services – Tier 4 CAMHS, Tier 4 Adult Personality disorder, Psychiatric Services for Adults who are Deaf, High/Medium Secure Forensic Services, Gender Dysphoria Services, Adult Eating Disorder Services and Peri-natal Psychiatry Services. The CRG work has at times been demanding, getting to grips with the new NHS structures and meeting... MoreClosed 25 January 2013 -
Specialised services commissioning: area E women and children
The Women and Children Programme of Care (PoC) includes a group of clinically closely aligned services, but critically has significant crossover with the other PoCs. Without doubt, the most satisfying facet of this work has been the enthusiasm, skill and dedication that has been demonstrated by the many clinicians, public health representatives and patients taking part in the process. The seven Royal Colleges represented within the Women and Children PoC, have also worked closely with... MoreClosed 25 January 2013 -
Specialised services commissioning: new service specifications and clinical policy
The NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) has added seven new draft service specifications and a further clinical policy for specialised commissioning to its consultation. The consultation period for these new additions will run from 11 January to 22 February 2013. The newly published draft clinical policy is A4 Complex Endovascular Stent Grafts in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and the proposed service specifications are: Area A – Internal medicine (digestion, renal, hepatobiliary and... MoreClosed 22 February 2013 -
A narrative for person-centred coordinated (‘integrated’) care
The NHS CB has commissioned National Voices , the national coalition of health and social care charities and its members, to develop a Narrative for integrated care from the perspective of the patient and service user. We have done so in partnership with the Local Government Association supported by the Department of Health and Monitor . The purpose it to help ensure a shared understanding of what good person-centred, co-ordinated (‘integrated’) care looks like for an individual,... MoreClosed 6 March 2013 -
Application form: Clinical Reference Group Chair
Please use this on line form for submitting an application to become a Specialised Services Clinical Reference Group (CRG) Chair. This is a voluntary role for a period of 3 years. For full details see the CRG Membership page . You must be a clinician currently working in an organisation which provides a specialised service. If you are not sure whether your service has been defined as ‘specialised’, please refer to the ‘Manual’ which contains details of all services which have... MoreClosed 15 March 2013 -
Creating a personal, fair and diverse health and care service
Your chance to shape the national strategy for equality, health inequalities and human rights. Working as part of the NHS Equality and Diversity Council (EDC), the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) is inviting a wide range of views to inform the development of the national strategy to promote equality and reduce health inequalities. The strategy will set out a clear approach, reflective of the values of the NHS Constitution, for promoting equality and tackling health inequalities for all... MoreClosed 31 March 2013 -
Application form: CRG patient and carer members (wave two)
Clinical Reference Groups: Patient and Carer Member Recruitment – Application Page Apply to be a Patient or Carer Member of a Clinical Reference Group (CRG) NHS England has opened the second wave of recruitment for patient and carer members of its Clinical Reference Groups for 2013/14. See below for a full list of CRGs who are still recruiting members. CRGs are responsible for providing NHS England with clinical advice regarding specialised services, and for the delivery of key... MoreClosed 13 June 2013 -
High quality care for all, now and for future generations: Engagement on the Urgent and Emergency Care Review
The urgent and emergency care system in England plays a critical role in the NHS, providing care for patients who need medical help quickly and unexpectedly. It’s important therefore that we build a safe, more efficient and sustainable system for the future. In January 2013 Professor Sir Bruce Keogh announced a review into the way the NHS responds to and receives emergency patients, called the Urgent and Emergency Care Review. MoreClosed 11 August 2013 -
6Cs Live! Webinars registration - Oct and Nov
6Cs Live! Week of Action focussed on ‘Helping people stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes’ starts on Monday 28 th October. As part of this week of action, you and your teams are invited to join and participate in a series of webinars. The webinars are a great opportunity to engage with experts and clinical teams sharing their experiences of improvement and delivering excellent care through the 6Cs. Join us in taking action, to share, learn and connect... MoreClosed 31 October 2013 -
Patients and Information Directorate Autumn 2013 Wellbeing Questionnaire
Please complete the questionnaire by Monday 14 th November 2013. Confidentiality Guarantee The questionnaire is totally CONFIDENTIAL. Only statistical summaries of the results will be reported, not individual responses. Please answer all of the survey questions by ticking the one box that represents your opinion. It is important that all your answers are personal to you. MoreClosed 14 November 2013 -
This survey has been designed to gain a better understanding of NHS England's staffs views on innovation. Given Sir David's call to action in July and the potential £30bn funding shortfall by 2021, innovation has to be central to what the NHS does going forward. MoreClosed 22 November 2013 -
CCG Nurse Survey
Following the first series “face to face events” for the National Network for Commissioning Nurse Leaders it was felt that it would be useful to share members profiles of expertise. Members share a rich mix of expertise in different commissioning & professional fields & there was a will to share and support one another. The intention is for members to access support and advice from one another on a given area of expertise. MoreClosed 29 November 2013 -
Area Team Nurse Survey
Following the first series “face to face events” for the National Network for Commissioning Nurse Leaders it was felt that it would be useful to share members profiles of expertise. Members share a rich mix of expertise in different commissioning & professional fields & there was a will to share and support one another. The intention is for members to access support and advice from one another on a given area of expertise. MoreClosed 29 November 2013 -
Development Safer Nurse Care tool app
The Safer Nursing Care Tool (SNCT) is one method that can be used to assist Chief Nurses determine optimal nurse staffing levels for in-patient wards. The tool is currently under development to improve accessibility by developing an App. We are seeking details of the types of technology used in acute care clinical settings to ensure that the App is compatible with the IT currently use. Please help us with this in completing the short online survey. MoreClosed 25 January 2014 -
Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People - Engagement
Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People In July 2013 the independent review of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) published its report ‘More Care Less Pathway’. In response to its recommendations, the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People (LACDP) was set up, to lead and provide a focus for improving the care for these people and their families in response to the recommendations made in the report. As part of this work, the alliance is now keen to hear the views of... MoreClosed 31 January 2014 -
Evaluation, CCG PPI Lay Members Networking Day, 3rd December 2013
Please tell us what you think about the CCG PPI Lay Members event on 3rd December by completing this short online form. MoreClosed 31 January 2014 -
Accessible information - Your views (voluntary organisations / patient groups)
Making health and social care information accessible Views of support and supplier organisations and patient groups NHS England has begun a programme of work aimed at ensuring that disabled patients, service users and, where appropriate, carers, receive information in formats that they can understand, and that they receive appropriate support to enable them to communicate. This will particularly affect people who are d/Deaf, blind, deafblind, have some hearing or visual loss, or have a... MoreClosed 21 February 2014 -
Accessible information – your views (survey for patients)
NHS England’s main aim is to improve people’s health. We want to make sure that people can understand the information they are given about their health and care. We also want everyone to be able to get involved in decisions that affect them. We know that some people need information in a different format, or help to communicate or explain what they think. We are going to write a new guidebook for NHS and social care organisations across England, such as your doctor, hospital or... MoreClosed 21 February 2014 -
Consultation on the draft framework for managing performer concerns *
The NHS (Performers Lists) (England) Regulations 2013 details NHS England’s responsibility for holding and maintaining the England performers lists in respect of primary medical, dental and ophthalmic performers. The aim of the regulations are to ensure that performers may not deliver NHS primary care services in England unless they are included on the performers lists. This provides NHS England with powers to manage these performers and protect the public from any performers who is not... MoreClosed 20 March 2014 -
Clinical Reference Group Stakeholder Registration
Please use this on line form for registering as a stakeholder for a Specialised Services Clinical Reference Group (CRG) Clinical Member. For full details see the CRG Membership page . Stakeholder registration is initially open for clinical staff or provider organisations working in specialised services. If you are not sure whether your service has been defined as ‘specialised’, please refer to the ‘Manual’ which contains details of all services which have been defined as truly... MoreClosed 25 March 2014 -
Transforming Primary Care in London: General Practice - A Call to Action questionnaire
‘Transforming Primary Care in London: General Practice - A Call to Action’ sets out the challenges facing general practice in London, and the priorities that doctors and patients have told us are important to improve. Health and care services provided by GPs and practice nurses are the cornerstone of the NHS - 90% of patient contact with the NHS takes place in general practice. High quality general practice provides a holistic approach to our care, from preventing illness and... MoreClosed 1 April 2014 -
Application form: Clinical Reference Group Clinical Member (round 3)
One clinical member from each of the 12 Senate areas will be selected for a 3-year period. For London, with a larger Senate area, a total of 3 members will be selected for North West, North East, and South London. Applications for this voluntary position should be made via the online application form. Selection will be from the submitted application forms reviewed by the Area Team Medical Directors. There will be three application rounds. The first has been completed, the successful... MoreClosed 25 April 2014 -
Commissioning and service transformation workshop registration
Are you interested in outcome based commissioning and service transformation? Do you want support in making better commissioning decisions for your CCG? NHS England Commissioning Development Directorate (in collaboration with Rightcare, COBIC, ICHOM and London School of Economics) will deliver a number of workshops at the Commissioning Show 25 June 2014 at the Excel, London. Workshops will include:- NHS Rightcare, Delivering high value pathways Transformation – the... MoreClosed 24 June 2014 -
Evaluation of Cervical screening awareness week 2014
The screening and immunisation team promoted the cervical screening awareness week to GP practices. MoreClosed 7 August 2014 -
CHC application process
We have recently reviewed the NHS CHC appeals within the regional team. Out of this review we identified potential areas for training particularly around complex communication between staff and carers/advocates. We are now undertaking this survey so that we may better understand: 1) staff training needs 2) how to develop an effective education package in relation to difficult and complex conversations, and 3) how to improve carers / advocates experience of NHS Continuing... MoreClosed 20 August 2014 -
Evaluation of Health Commissioners event
Feedback from the East of England Health Commissioners event for Maternity, Newborn, Children and Young People. MoreClosed 1 September 2014
504 results.
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