504 results
Improving Eye Health and Reducing Sight Loss
Call to Action is a once in a generation opportunity to provide feedback to NHS England. We want to uncover areas of innovation, good practice and new ideas on delivery of eye health services including GOS Sight Tests and community (enhanced) pathways. It is a chance to refine, redesign and refocus the eye health agenda and improve patient care. MoreClosed 12 September 2014 -
Commissioning support survey
A strong cohort of providers have been successful in the first stage of LPF - a mixture of NHS CSUs, public/private partnerships and commercial sector consortia. We now want to turn our attention to making the LPF easy to use for commissioners. As well as publishing step by step guidance for running mini competitions, NHS England will charge a very small percentage fee from suppliers for every contract they win. We will use this to source expert practical hands on procurement and legal... MoreClosed 30 September 2014 -
Never Events Policy Framework Review
Publication gateway number: 02320 The Never Events Policy Framework is designed to provide healthcare workers, clinicians, managers, boards and accountable officers with clarity around their responsibilities and clarity on the principles of never events. In particular, it is designed to be clear about what they are expected to do in terms of preventing never events and how they must respond to them if they should occur, including clarity around incident reporting. This framework is... MoreClosed 31 October 2014 -
Proposed Congenital Heart Disease Standards and Service specifications
NHS England, as the body responsible for commissioning specialised congenital heart services, is undertaking a national review of congenital heart services for children and adults. Attached below are: a consultation document , introducing the standards and specifications and setting out the key questions we are asking; the standards and specifications on which we are consulting, combined together in a single document; an easy-read version of the consultation... MoreClosed 8 December 2014 -
The Joint Improvement Programme - Engagement Reference Group sign up
The Joint Improvement Programme has been set up to help make the changes to services so that people with learning disabilities or autism who use mental health services or have challenging behaviour get good safe support. One of the programme's aims is to work with people who have experiences or skills that can help make the changes that are needed. One way we are doing that is by setting up an Engagement Reference Group. We are setting up the reference group to help people... MoreClosed 19 December 2014 -
Options for change: stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy services
NHS England is consulting on proposed changes to the way in which stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy services are commissioned. MoreClosed 26 January 2015 -
Development of health services in Crawley
Have your say We would like to hear your views on our proposals for local health services in Crawley. NHS Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England are committed to making sure that local health services meet the needs of our patients and local community. We are responsible for ensuring that services are good quality, safe and value for money for the tax payer, making the best use of NHS resources. The current contract for services provided at Crawley Health Centre, at... MoreClosed 1 February 2015 -
Patient Online Webinar Evaluation
Thank you for attending the GP Online Services webinar. The aim of this short survey is to gauge if the content delivered meets your needs and supports you in implementing the online services. MoreClosed 7 February 2015 -
Why Dementia: 2015 and beyond
The East of England Strategic Clinical Network are hosting this regional event to support and enable General Practices, Primary Care workers, Providers and Commissioners to diagnose dementia and consider how post-diagnostic services can be enhanced to support quality of care and the patient experience of the dementia pathway. Professor Alistair Burns and Dr Sunil Gupta are confirmed speakers for this event, and GPs, Practice Managers, Nurses, Providers and Commissioners are encouraged to... MoreClosed 20 February 2015 -
NHS Pharmacy Services Survey for St Mawes
National changes to pharmacy contracts are on the way. As of 31 March 2015, the Essential Small Pharmacies (ESP) scheme, which helps support pharmacies in outlying communities, will come to an end. In order for us to understand the pharmacy needs of the population of St Mawes, we are actively seeking your views about the current service and how this might be improved. MoreClosed 27 February 2015 -
Have your say on future GP services in St Austell
NHS England and GPs in St Austell are working together to improve access and continuity of care for patients.They are also exploring ways to integrate primary care with other services in the town. These proposed changes, which NHS England believes offer an exciting and sustainable model for the future, are being made possible by the merger of three of the GP practices in St Austell. The practices involved are Park Medical Centre, Woodland Road Surgery and Wheal Northey Surgery. Patients... MoreClosed 15 March 2015 -
Refreshing the Accountability and Assurance Framework for Safeguarding
Publications Gateway Ref: 2767 Safeguarding in the NHS - Accountability and Assurance Framework will update and replace Safeguarding Vulnerable People in the Reformed NHS – Accountability and Assurance Framework which described the roles and responsibilities of NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS providers and various other bodies in the reformed health system. The wider context for safeguarding continues to change in response to the findings of large scale inquiries,... MoreClosed 26 March 2015 -
Seasonal Flu Vaccination Service Patient Questionnaire 2014/15
You recently had your seasonal flu vaccination and we would like to know your opinion of the service. The following questionnaire should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and will help inform our planning for 2015/16 flu season. Thank you for your contribution. MoreClosed 31 March 2015 -
Genomic Laboratory Service Re-design
NHS England is consulting on proposed changes to the way in which Genetic Laboratory services are commissioned MoreClosed 14 April 2015 -
Improving the Quality of Interpreting and Translation Services (ITS) in Primary Care
Publications Gateway Reference: 03240 NHS England is reviewing how patients who are Deaf or do not speak English as a first language use interpreting services so they can access the best care and information. To achieve this, we have engaged with Service Users, Patients, Interpreters, Service Providers, Professionals and Clinicians so we can articulate what a high quality service looks like. MoreClosed 20 April 2015 -
Specialised Services - Policy and Specification Consultation March 2015
NHS England has today (24 March 2015) launched a 30 day public consultation on a proposed number of new products for specialised services, (including service specifications and clinical commissioning policies). There has already been extensive engagement on these national specifications and policies, as they have been developed with the support and input of lead clinicians and patient and public representatives. This approach has helped ensure that the views of key stakeholders have informed... MoreClosed 23 April 2015 -
Investing in specialised commissioning - public consultation
NHS England is consulting on a proposed set of principles which will underpin the future decision making process for investment in specialised services. The consultation document also outlines the characteristics of the process NHS England will use to make these decisions. MoreClosed 27 April 2015 -
Clinicians' views on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
NHS England wants to understand the opinion of clinicians in England on the place of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as an adjunctive treatment in your NHS practice. Whatever your opinion on the role of HBOT in your area of clinical practice, please tell us in order that the information we collect represents any divergence within your specialty as faithfully as possible. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete and is anonymous. MoreClosed 29 April 2015 -
Specialised Services - Policy and Specification Consultation
NHS England has today (30 January 2015) launched a three month public consultation on proposed changes to a number of new and existing service specifications and clinical commissioning policies for specialised services.There has already been extensive engagement on these national specifications and policies, as they have been developed with the support and input of lead clinicians and patient and public representatives. This approach has helped ensure that the views of key stakeholders have... MoreClosed 30 April 2015 -
Proposals to introduce supplementary prescribing by dietitians across the United Kingdom
In recent years, the NHS has allowed a wider range of allied health professions (AHPs) to prescribe or supply and administer medicines to patients. This is because for many patients an AHP is their lead clinician, yet they often do not have access to the appropriate prescribing or supply and administration of medicines mechanisms. Introducing these changes makes it easier for patients to get access to the medicines that they need in a timely manner so they gain maximum benefit. The... MoreClosed 1 May 2015 -
Proposals to allow orthoptists to sell, supply and administer medicines under exemptions within the Human Medicines Regulations (2012) across the United Kingdom
In recent years, the NHS has allowed a wider range of allied health professions (AHPs) to supply or administer medicines to patients. This is because for many patients an AHP is their lead clinician, yet they often do not have access to the appropriate supply and administration of medicines mechanisms. Introducing these changes makes it easier for patients to get access to the medicines that they need in a timely manner so they gain maximum benefit. The NHS is now consulting on... MoreClosed 1 May 2015 -
Proposals to introduce independent prescribing by radiographers across the United Kingdom
In recent years, the NHS has allowed a wider range of allied health professions (AHPs) to prescribe or supply and administer medicines to patients. This is because for many patients an AHP is their lead clinician, yet they often do not have access to the appropriate prescribing or supply and administration of medicines mechanisms. Introducing these changes makes it easier for patients to get access to the medicines that they need in a timely manner so they gain maximum benefit. The... MoreClosed 27 May 2015 -
Proposals to introduce independent prescribing by paramedics across the United Kingdom
In recent years, the NHS has allowed a wider range of allied health professions (AHPs) to prescribe or supply and administer medicines to patients. This is because for many patients an AHP is their lead clinician, yet they often do not have access to the appropriate prescribing or supply and administration of medicines mechanisms. Introducing these changes makes it easier for patients to get access to the medicines that they need in a timely manner so they gain maximum benefit. The... MoreClosed 27 May 2015 -
Annual imaging and radiodiagnostics statistics consultation
Publications Gateway Reference - 01382 NHS England currently publishes, on an annual basis, National Statistics on NHS Imaging and Radiodiagnostics in England. However, NHS England now publishes monthly detailed information about diagnostic imaging tests from the diagnostic imaging dataset (DID). This information has been routinely published since April 2012. Now that this new data set is routinely published and the quality of the data has improved, the annual data could be viewed as a... MoreClosed 12 June 2015 -
Specialised services – Consultation on children's epilepsy surgery specification
NHS England has today (26 March 2015) launched a public consultation on proposed changes to its service specification for children’s epilepsy surgery services. This specification was first adopted in May 2013. Consultation will last for three months, between March 26 and 18 June 2015. An accompanying consultation guide has been produced, containing additional information about the rationale behind the proposed changes, and is intended to help those with an interest in these services to make... MoreClosed 18 June 2015 -
GP services in the North Tawton area
NHS England aims to put in place a long-term contract for GP services in the North Tawton area of Devon from April 2016. This survey will be used to help shape those services. Please answer as many questions as you can, as the more information we can collect, the better our understanding of what is needed. For that reason, the survey is also open to people in the area who are not patients at North Tawton Surgery. MoreClosed 30 June 2015 -
Survey on GP services at Millbrook and Lodge House Surgeries
NHS England is looking at the long-term future of GP services for people currently registered with Millbrook and Lodge House Surgeries, near Plymouth. While a temporary agreement is in place to secure continuity of care for patients for the immediate future, following Dr Scaglioni’s decision to stand down, this survey is about the potential shape of services from July 2016. Please answer as many questions as you can, as the more information we can collect, the better our... MoreClosed 4 August 2015 -
Aligning the Publication of Performance Data
NHS England is seeking comments and views from data producers and users on the process for aligning the publication of performance statistics. Following Bruce Keogh’s clinical review we are making the following changes to the publication of performance data. We are moving to a single monthly publication of the data. The first publication of this data will take place on 13 August 2015. However we will be working to improve the publication process on the basis of responses to the... MoreClosed 1 September 2015 -
Draft Service Model for people with learning disabilities/autism
Overview The cross-system Transforming Care programme aims to improve care for people with learning disabilities and/ or autism who have a mental health condition or display behaviour that challenges. As part of this work, NHS England, the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services have developed a draft Service Model for commissioners across health and care, that describes what good services look like. The Model will ensure some national... MoreClosed 4 September 2015 -
Consultation Guide: National Procurement for the Provision of Behavioural Interventions for People with Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia
Please note that this consultation will be open: Until 7 September for potential providers of the new service Until 18 September for local health economies and other stakeholders The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme has launched a prospectus for providers, local health economies and others interested in the new service. This engagement will allow them to contribute to the proposals set out in the Consultation Guide . A shorter document for members of the... MoreClosed 18 September 2015
504 results.
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